Why now?

Our world is very different from the one we had just a few years ago.

Deep divisions, hostile rhetoric, a devastating pandemic, social media, and a host of other factors have caused a tremendous amount of hurt and pain. Anxiety and loneliness are on a sharp upswing. A pervasive spirit of tribalism, skepticism, and cynicism hangs in the air. There is widespread disillusionment with all forms of leadership - political, corporate, and even spiritual leadership. Over 40% of our young people identify themselves as nones – as in not part of any organized religious group.

How do we respond?

We believe, one way we can respond, is through stories…

Our world needs a revolution of disruptive compassion!

  • The dream

    In a world of division and conflict, leverage the power of cinema to share captivating stories that entertain, engage, inspire, and raise an army of revolutionaries that ignite profound change through disruptive compassion.

  • The Plan

    The screenplay took shape in 2023 and teams were assembled in Philadelphia and Kolkata by the end of the year. Given the nature of our mission, we formed a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization - Candlelight Productions (even a tiny bit of light can dispel a lot of darkness).

  • The Support

    We are grateful for the enthusiastic support of Eastern University, Hal Donaldson (CEO of Convoy of Hope), two awesome production teams, and the 1,000+ people that are making this movie possible. Join the movement!